Office of Records and Registration
The Office of Records and Registration reflects in very tangible ways the element of service that has always characterized Saint Xavier University. Service to the student and to the University includes the commitment to an effective data management system that ensures integrity, confidentiality and security of institutional records.
Contact Us
Office: WAC A-203
Phone: 773-298-3501
Fax: 773-928-3917
Efficiency and accuracy regarding the production and dispatch of transcripts, grade
reports, class lists, schedules, room assignments, academic record changes and requests
for student data in various forms is a primary concern, one that is at the forefront
of our mission. The quality of our service and the way in which each request is handled
is also part of the overall operations of our office.
The Office of Records and Registration has an obligation to responsive participation in and full contribution to the overall mission of the University. It is our primary duty to support and protect the integrity of the institution and the degree in an accurate, consistent, honest and timely manner.
Introduction to Student Planning
This video tutorial will teach you how to utilize the Student Planning tool, which acts as a roadmap for completing your degree.
Preparing for Registration
This video tutorial details the essential steps you need to follow to prepare for registration each semester.
Registering for classes
This video tutorial provides you with a guide on how to register for courses from your planned schedule.